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Our software, your experience.

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iTrack Reading's "Eye-to-Speech" technology enhances your reading experience by tracking your gaze on the screen and providing synchronized audio as you read. This allows you to read and listen at the same time, making reading effortless and immersive.

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We believe that using advanced learning tools should be a seamless and intuitive experience. That's why we are designing iTrack Reading to be incredibly user-friendly, especially for those new to eye-tracking technology. After purchasing the eye tracker and downloading our software, getting started is a breeze.

The first step is simply to connect the eye-tracker to a laptop or computer through a USB port and place the device at the bottom or top of the screen. Then, connect a pair of headphones to your computer and start the program. With a quick 15-second calibration, you'll be ready to dive in and start reading.

The portability of the eye tracker and headphones allows for easy use of iTrack Reading in any location, at home, in the library, in a classroom or even during your lunch break at work.

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When using our software, you can choose between pre-existing human-like AI voices in 20+ languages across different accents, styles, and emotions, or creating a custom voice with our voice cloning feature. This feature allows you to use your own or someone else's voice based on a personal audio recording.

Once you are reading, all features - including speed and where you want to read - are entirely controlled by your eye movements. Using optical character recognition (OCR), the program is compatible with virtually any format, including websites, digital books, images, and much more.

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Eye tracking is a sensor technology that can detect a person's presence and monitor their gaze in real time. This is achieved through the use of near-infrared light that is emitted by the eye tracker and reflected in the user's eyes. The cameras on the eye tracker then capture these reflections and determine where on the screen the user is looking, using calculation, filtering, and analysis. The system then translates these eye movements into a data stream that includes information such as pupil position, gaze vectors for each eye, and gaze point.



By combining eye-tracking with immediate audio output, eye-to-speech can be generated. This allows the user to read by eye movement only and hear the text in real time. Using the eye-tracker, the program locates the text on which the gaze-point is positioned - and produces audio.


To guarantee good quality and reading flow, the audio generation is triggered by an algorithm based on human reading patterns. The program uses pre-collected data to learn and understand when the user wants to read. This prevents unnecessary audio outputs and helps the user to find good reading structure. This means that accidentally jumping between text lines won't interrupt the reading.

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